Every day, I receive 5-10 phone calls with the caller telling me a minor variation of the following: I am turning 65 soon, going onto Medicare, and I don’t understand how any of this Medicare/Medicare insurance works. I know I have to get something else, but I am very confused. I need really good coverage, but want to spend as little as possible.
Does this sound like you? If so, I can help! I am a local expert, helping seniors (and people on Medicare) with their Medicare decisions. I am very big on education, and I make house calls! Perhaps best of all, there is no cost for my services, expertise or advise. Whatever plan you decide to proceed with, whether AARP or Blue Cross or whatever plan, THEY pay me, not you. Lastly, I guarantee the lowest prices. I am completely unbiased, and share the same goal as you, to get in the right Medicare plan at the lowest cost.
Live in Philadelphia or suburbs? Need help with it your medicare decisions. Call (215) 658-1776.