So, what’s your story?
When we receive a call from someone who lives in Philadelphia and is turning 65, we can almost hear it in their voice- I don’t understand all this medicare stuff, I am getting tons of mail from AARP, Blue Cross, Keystone 65 and many other companies-just tell me what is the best/right Medicare Insurance for me and I’ll get it. Unfortunately, it is not that easy. There are many variables that will determine the “right” plan for a particular individual. How is your health? Are you OK with co-pays? Is a low premium the #1 priority? Are you on many prescriptions? Are those prescription brands? Are you OK with an HMO? Are your doctors and hospitals in the network? Are you a snowbird? These are some of the questions that might help us determine the “right” Medicare insurance. As you can guess, we are thorough. We share the same goal that you have- to get you into the “right” medicare plan at the lowest possible Cost. Perhaps best of all, there is no cost for our services-you don’t pay us a penny. Give us a call-we’d love to speak to you- (215) 658-1776.