Annual Meeting- American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance

Annual Meeting- American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance

05/20/2012 From May 16-May 18, 2012, I attended, along with about 1,000 other professionals, this extremely informative meeting.  I also had the privilege to be a speaker and part of a three person round-table for two sessions. Over the next several days, I will provide several of my insights from this gathering. My biggest takeaway- Medicare is in deep, deep trouble and substantial changes are coming down the pike.  More to come.

Update on Annual Meeting- American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance

Update on Annual Meeting- American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance

05/21/2012 There were several takeaways from the conference I attended and spoke at last week. A recurring theme is Medicare is in trouble, and changes are coming.  One change is in the works is a redisgn to Medicare Supplements Plan C and Plan F. Uncle Sam believes that seniors with Medicare Supplement Plan that have “first dollar coverage” abuse Medicare because there is no cost sharing involved and that they are much more likely to see doctors, have treatment etc. It looks like these changes will go into effect sometime in 2015. I don;t believe the specific changes have been agreed upon yet, but it appears like there will be a deductible, somewhere along the lines of $600, and then co-pays on certain services, up to a maximum out of pocket. These changes will make the Plan G the new Cadillac plan after the redesign.  I will provide more insight during the week. Any questions, email or call.

Article from Philadelphia Inquirer

Article from Philadelphia Inquirer

05/21/2012 Medicare overspends $60 due to fraud and abuse. I suspect that number is significantly larger. Maybe, just maybe, Medicare Advantage Plans, such as Keystone 65 Select in Philadelphia or Bravo Health, in the hands of private insurance carriers, can do a substantially better job in monitoring this abuse. You can read the article here.

Update # 2 on Annual Meeting- American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance

Update # 2 on Annual Meeting- American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance

06/22/2012 There was a lot talk about the White House making a significant push to change the tax structure of Medicare. Specifically, those beneficiaries who wish to retain their “first dollar coverage” (Plans C & F & possibly G) will have a surcharge or tax on their premium. This taxation or penalty on Medicare Supplement Plans or however you want to phrase it, has not happened yet, but it is being pushed very hard. Many, many changes will occur…after the November elections. Stay tuned.